June 13, 2023

Be Prepared for Pet Emergencies: Stocking Your Pet First Aid Kit!

Having a well-stocked first aid kit for your dogs and cats is essential in case of emergencies or minor injuries. Here are some items you should consider including in a pet first aid kit: (Download: How To Make A First Aid Kit)

Dog holding first aid kit

Basic Supplies:

·   Sterile gauze pads and rolls: For cleaning and dressing wounds.

·   Adhesive tape: To secure bandages in place.

·   Non-stick bandages: To protect wounds and prevent contamination.

·   Self-adhering elastic bandage: Useful for wrapping injuries or creating a makeshift splint.

·   Scissors with blunt ends: For cutting bandages or trimming fur around wounds.

·   Tweezers: To remove splinters, ticks, or other foreign objects.

·   Disposable gloves: To protect yourself from bodily fluids and prevent cross-contamination.

·   Pet-Specific Digital rectal thermometer: Essential for monitoring your pet's temperature.

·   Eyewash solution: For rinsing out eyes in case of irritation or foreign objects.


Medications and Topical Treatments:

·   Hydrogen peroxide (3%): To induce vomiting under the guidance of a veterinarian (only when instructed).

·   Saline solution: For flushing wounds or cleaning eyes.

·   Antibiotic ointment: To prevent infection in minor cuts or abrasions.

·   Antihistamine: Check with your veterinarian for appropriate dosage in case of allergic reactions or insect bites/stings.

·   Styptic powder: To stop bleeding from minor cuts or broken nails.

·   Tick remover tool: Specifically designed to safely remove ticks from your pet's skin.


Emergency Contact Information:

·   A list of emergency phone numbers: Your Vet's number, nearest emergency veterinary clinic, and animal poison control hotline.

·   Medical records/vaccination history: In case you need to provide them during an emergency.


Additional Supplies:

·   Muzzle: In case your pet becomes injured or agitated, a muzzle can prevent them from biting out of fear or pain.

·   Pet carrier or blanket: Useful for transporting your pet safely during emergencies.

·   Flashlight: A portable light source can be helpful in low-light situations.

·   Leash and extra collar: Keep an extra leash and collar in case of loss or breakage.


Remember, a pet first aid kit is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. If your pet sustains a serious injury or exhibits severe symptoms, contact us at 770-788-7387 or seek emergency veterinary care immediately.

After Hours Small Animal Emergency Services

LOCATION: Covington
East Metro Emergency Animal Clinic

Eastside Animal Medical Center